About Uparkot Fort

Unveiling Centuries of Legacy

Welcome to Uparkot Fort, an ancient bastion standing proudly in Junagadh, Gujarat. With a history dating back to 319 BC, this fortress has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, endured sieges, and stood as a silent witness to the changing tides of time.

The Story of Uparkot Fort

Uparkot Fort was believed to be built by the Mauryan emperor Chandragupta Maurya, marking its inception in the pages of ancient history. Strategically perched on a plateau, it played a crucial role in the region's military and cultural landscape.

The Uparkot fort

Historical Milestones

Chandragupta Maurya's Reign

Chandragupta Maurya's Reign: Uparkot Fort's inception traces back to the illustrious reign of Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Mauryan dynasty. In 319 BC, the foundations of the fort were laid, marking the establishment of a strategic stronghold that would play a pivotal role in the region's history.

Strategic Importance

Throughout the ages, Uparkot Fort stood as a sentinel, witnessing the ebb and flow of power and strategically commanding the landscape. Its elevated position provided a vantage point, making it a key player in pivotal battles and conflicts that shaped the destiny of the region. As a military stronghold, Uparkot's significance resonated far beyond its imposing walls.

Notable Sieges and Battles

The fort's history through the endurance of 16 sieges, each a testament to its strategic importance. a remarkable siege lasting 12 years stands out as a testament to the fort's impregnability. The tales of the battles fought within its walls echo the courage of those who defended it and the determination of those who sought to conquer it.

Uparkot Fort Under the Chudasama Dynasty

Under the rule of the Chudasama rulers, Uparkot Fort underwent a transformation that left an indelible mark on its architecture and cultural landscape. The Chudasama dynasty contributed to the fort's expansion and embellishment, adding layers to its historical tapestry.

The Fort's Decline and Eventual Rediscovery

As the tides of time shifted, Uparkot Fort experienced a gradual decline, succumbing to the ravages of history. However, its legacy endured, awaiting rediscovery by historians and archaeologists. The fort's eventual resurgence in the pages of history marked a renewed interest in unraveling its mysteries and preserving its cultural heritage for future generations.

Royal Patronage and Cultural Flourish

Uparkot Fort, beyond its strategic and military significance, flourished under the patronage of various rulers who recognized. architectural importance. During certain periods of its history, the fort became a center of artistic and cultural activities, with rulers contributing to its grandeur through the promotion of art, literature, and the construction of additional structures.


  • Artistic Endeavors: Flourishing of art and craftsmanship, with intricate carvings and embellishments.
  • Cultural Exchange: Uparkot as a hub for cultural exchange, bringing together diverse influences.
  • Royal Structures: Construction of palaces and additional structures showcasing architectural finesse.
This phase in Uparkot Fort's history reflects a harmonious blend of military strength and cultural richness, leaving an enduring legacy that contributes to its unique charm.

Visitor Information

Location and Hours of Operation: Uparkot Fort, Junagadh, Gujarat. Open daily from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Ticket Information: Admission fees: ₹100 for adults, ₹25 for children. Online ticketing options available.

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